Untuk mengubah dari gambar sac menjadi ps file

bd sgf # start sac graphics file (sgf)
sgftops f001.sgf COCO_enr.ps # convert to sgf to ps file
quit from sac
rm -f *.sgf # remove sgf files
gs COCO_enr.ps

Membuat label judul, absis, dan ordinat
title on
xlabel "Time @(s@)"
ylabel "Velocity @(nm/s@)"
* set the xlabel and ylabel
ylim all
* set the y-axis to be the same
xlim o o +8
set the time axis to be from origin time to 8 sec after the origin time

Gabungkan tiga komponen sekaligus
rm -f *.sgf
setbb sacfile "$sta$.*" #setbb sacfile "$sta$.[zne]"
setbb psfile "$sta$_3c.eps" #set three component data
qdp off
r COCO.sac
bp p 2 n 4 c 1 10 #4th order bandpass butterworth filter with 1 - 10 Hz
setbb ds '( concatenate ' &1,kstnm ' ' &1,kzdate ' ' &1,kztime ' ) '
evaluate to r &1,dist
title '( concatenate ' %ds% ' ', dist = ' ' %r km ') '
* get the stn name, reference time, and distance from SAC header
* and put them into the title
fileid l ul
fileid t l kcmpnm
* display the component name
* fileid Controls the file id display found on most SAC plots.
* TYPE LIST hdrlist : Define a list of header fields to display in the
* fileid.
* LOCATION UL : Place file id in upper left hand corner.
Perintah envelope
untuk membalikkan sinyal menjadi 90 derajat atau menjadikanya bernilai positif. Menggunakan
transformasi Hilbert.


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